What are Colleges looking for?

Posted by on Jul 12, 2014 in Homeschooling News | 0 comments

I just returned from this summer’s PHAA Conference and learned some great things about what colleges are looking for when the screens students. One session I attended was about the College Interview and covered what to do, and what not to do, and how to prepare. Very informative and interesting! Mr. Laszlo Pasztor, a PHAA board member, is a retired military officer and now does student screening for two different colleges. He has...

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AP, Honors, or CLEP? which is better?

Posted by on Jul 12, 2014 in Homeschooling News | 0 comments

I recently attended the PHAA “High School at Home” Conference and gleaned some clarifications and explanations that were very helpful! 1. AP Courses are the best preparation for college. The courses themselves are more challenging, get the student interacting with an expert teacher and other quality students. Even if your teen does not take the AP test, just taking the course is impressive to a college. 2. However, taking the AP...

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