I attended a conference session explaining the new SAT college entrance test. There are several changes to the new edition, rolled out in Spring 2016. The biggest change that the teens will like is that the overall test time has been shortened! And the essay writing portion is optional now. The first – and longest test section – is the Reading and Comprehension (65 minutes). The verbal and writing section is 35 minutes. Now let’s talk about the...
AP, Honors, or CLEP? which is better?
I recently attended the PHAA “High School at Home” Conference and gleaned some clarifications and explanations that were very helpful! 1. AP Courses are the best preparation for college. The courses themselves are more challenging, get the student interacting with an expert teacher and other quality students. Even if your teen does not take the AP test, just taking the course is impressive to a college. 2. However, taking the AP...
Testing! Testing!
What tests are required? What tests should my child take? What tests will colleges see and care about? How do I get those tests? Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 are required by the homeschool law to be tested using a standardized achievement test. The law specifies a list of a few approved tests (see list at end of this post). Some are administered to a group, and others are administered one on one. Some homeschool co-ops or Christian Schools...