Well, actually I’m Mr. Anger’s daughter, Brittany.

As some of you may have heard by now, my dad, Tim Anger, had an emergency open heart surgery on January 18th. He has been in the Heart and Vascular ICU in Hershey Medical Center for almost three weeks.

The situation was very serious for several days, and he was on full life support.

However, we praise the Lord that he has been making slow improvements in the past week! He was able to have both heart pumps removed, and the breathing tube was removed just a few days ago. He is awake now (he was under heavy sedation before) and can whisper quietly to whichever one of us is his visitor for the day. It truly is a miracle of God that He spared his life and has brought him this far.

Usually around this time of year is when Mr. Anger contacts you all to start scheduling evaluations for the summer. Considering the current situation, he most likely won’t be able to do that this year. Hopefully this post is enough in advance for you to find another evaluator for your students! Please leave a comment if you have any questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them or direct you to someone who can.

If you know of other families who usually get their evaluations done with my dad, please let them know or send them this post. I’ll also try to send out an email to his “Homeschool Families” email list 🙂 Thank you so much!

Mr. Anger will be back again by the grace of God!

Continue praying for a full recovery!