For teens in grades 7-12 there is some testing required, or at least recommended. Explained below are the main types of testing you should know about as well as links to register for them.


Most juniors (and some 10th graders) take the PSAT test in October as a way to experience what the College SAT will be like later in their junior year or senior y ear. We administer the PSAT every year to the juniors in our school and make available several tests for homeschoolers. Contact me in the early fall if you are interested in having your teen participate in this optional test.

SAT Test

You need to visit the College Board’s website to find dates and locations for taking this college readiness test. They also have test preparation resources and you can register right from the website.

The state’s “approved list” for 3rd, 5th, 8th grade testing:

The Department has approved the following nationally normed standardized tests for use by home education programs if they choose not to take the statewide test:
1.  California Achievement Test
2.  Comprehensive Testing Program (CTPIV)
3.  Iowa Test of Basic Skills
4.  Metropolitan Achievement Test
5.  Peabody Achievement Individual Test – Revised Version
6.  Stanford Achievement Test
7.  Terra Nova
8.  Woodcock Johnson Revised Tests of Achievement III


I have a colleague who administers the Peabody (PIAT) — let me know if you need her contact information.