• The fee is due at the time of the interview

  • Standard narrative report  – $60

  • Checklist report  – $40

Acceptable for 7th, 8th grade and some diploma programs – though it does not “showcase” your great work. Some diploma programs, like PHAA, require the longer narrative report above

  • Diploma Program Compliance Fee – $10

Required every year for Mason-Dixon Program (unless the parent completes all the forms and all I have to do is sign them) only the Senior Year for Susquehanna, and WAIVED for PHAA program.

  • Mid-year review or advisory meeting – $20

Note: For PHAA diplomas, a student number must be secured from Dr. Richman before a transcript can be prepared for the first time. All copies of transcripts for colleges must come from him directly.

  • I no longer administer achievement testing, but I can put you in touch with a colleague who can.
  • I accept Personal Check, Cash, PayPal, credit card through PayPal, and Google Pay