Office address where we do the interview:
Emmaus Baptist Academy
4702 Colebrook Ave
Emmaus PA 18049
Click here for a map to my office
Here are landmarks to look for as you get closer:
At the intersection of Chestnut Street and Colebrook Ave you will see a Exxon/Mobil gas station, Woody’s Sports, and a lighted sign for Lehigh Valley Baptist Church. Turn onto Colebrook Avenue and go two blocks to the church parking lot. Enter the building through the door under the Emmaus Baptist Academy sign.
Location for Interview: Go down the short flight of stairs. There is a meeting room to the left where I will meet with you.
NOTE: The sign on the door says to use the side entrance, but that is only necessary if the door is locked (usually during the school day). So go ahead and use the school entrance if it is unlocked.
If you get lost, call my cell phone: 484-519-0109