The Act 196 of 2014 now allows parents to use a transcript form available from the Department of Education to summarize the four years of their teen’s high school courses and grades and get that certified by their evaluator. They can also issue their own diploma. The new law requires PHEAA and Pennsylvania colleges to recognize parent-issued diplomas. Personally, I believe there are some very good reasons parents should still consider enrolling in one of the diploma programs (which are now firmly recognized by the same law).
Diploma Programs with which I am approved to grant credits
Click here for a chart comparing these three diploma programs.
I am comfortable and confident with all the paperwork requirements for each diploma program so let me help you! We will walk you through the process and make sure you have what you need submitted.
Pennsylvania Homeschoolers
Dr. Howard Richman
105 Richman Lane
Kittanning, PA 16201
724-783-6512 – Diploma program information (click on “Forms” on the MORE tab onmenu for diploma and transcript requests) – general resources for homeschoolers
Mason Dixon Homeschoolers Diploma
32 West Main Street, #5
Waynesboro, PA 17268
(717) 749-5767
Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Program
2A Craig Run Rd
Duncannon, PA 17020
(717) 580-5206
*their website is out of date, but I have current forms from them
I have prepared a chart comparing these programs. You can select the pdf document and print it out.