This question is asked often of the Richmans, of the PHAA Diploma program. Here is a recently published answer from Susan Richman:
“This is a question we get *regularly*, and the answer is always the same– NO, it’s NOT possible to graduate early in less than 4 years.
“That said, some PHAA students are ready for fulltime college attendance after their junior year– and almost all colleges have a provision for this: EARLY ADMISSION. To do this, a student *applies* to a college during the JUNIOR year of high school, clearly indicating that this is for EARLY ADMISSIONS consideration. The student can then let the college also know that *their PHAA high school diploma will be issued after the successful completion of the FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE.* This is also the typical procedure for a public or private school student going to college a ‘year early’– the high school will issue their diploma *after the successful completion of the freshman year*. Most colleges will want this *reassurance* that the student WILL indeed receive a high school diploma in this way. The family would also still need to *file* as a homeschooler during this fulltime college year– turning in an affidavit, having an evaluation at the end of the year, etc. The PHAA evaluator would fill in the *college* courses as meeting our final high school requirements, and the family would send into the PHAA office the graduation checklist and Diploma Request Form at the end of that school year.
“MANY students in the PHAA program also take *some* local (or distance) college courses during the senior year, on a *part-time* basis, while still at home. These courses can also go on their PHAA transcript, and help to both meet final graduation requirements AND demonstrate to colleges that the student is clearly *ready* for college-level learning. But the *legal category* for the student is still as a homeschooler.
“Hope this helps! –Susan Richman”